Notebooks & Planners

for creative learners

Come for the books, stay for the moral support

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schoolnest notebooks

meet megan.png

I am a Michigan mama, teaching and raising two little woodland sprites to love nature, reading, storytelling, and art. I believe home education is a radical act of creativity and I love encouraging others to embrace that in themselves.

Taking this path less traveled means we have to do the hard work of learning ahead of our kids and understanding their development. We have to try out different philosophies of education and see what works for our children, we have to compare curricula and organize the math manipulatives and read ahead in the books so we know what to prepare for. We have to take off our teacher hat and put on the parenting one because home education is parenting, but with a lot more books.

I talk about curriculum and books and resources I love, but just as equally, I love to dig into the Why behind things. In the end, why we do what we do is so much more important than the surface level details. We can all educate our children differently - different environments and methods and materials and philosophies and religions and worldviews - but why we really do this thing is because we are driven by love.

Printable collection

Explore the growing collection of printable products to support planning and learning.


the schoolnest™ journal

Let’s love our kids all the way through their education,

and then keep going.

Let's Keep In Touch

Let's Keep In Touch ✦